
The gesture responder system manages the lifecycle of gestures in your app. A touch can go through several phases as the app determines what the user’s intention is. For example, the app needs to determine if the touch is scrolling, sliding on a widget, or tapping. This can even change during the duration of a touch. There can also be multiple simultaneous touches.


The touch responder system is needed to allow components to negotiate these touch interactions without any additional knowledge about their parent or child components. This system is implemented in ResponderEventPlugin.js, which contains further details and documentation.


最佳实践(Best Practices)

To make your app feel great, every action should have the following attributes:

  • Feedback/highlighting- show the user what is handling their touch, and what will happen when they release the gesture
  • Cancel-ability- when making an action, the user should be able to abort it mid-touch by dragging their finger away

These features make users more comfortable while using an app, because it allows people to experiment and interact without fear of making mistakes.


  • 反馈/高亮——当用户操作的时候给予反馈,但用户操作完成的时候给予指示;
  • 可取消——当执行一个操作的时候,将手指中途划出即可取消操作。


触摸高亮和可触摸操作(TouchableHighlight and Touchable*)

The responder system can be complicated to use. So we have provided an abstract Touchable implementation for things that should be “tappable”. This uses the responder system and allows you to easily configure tap interactions declaratively. Use TouchableHighlight anywhere where you would use a button or link on web.

直接使用手势响应系统比较复杂,React Native抽象了Touchable以方便为组件添加“可交互”能力。可以在任何地方,像使用Web中的按钮和链接一样使用TouchableHighlight。。

响应生命周期(Responder Lifecycle)

A view can become the touch responder by implementing the correct negotiation methods. There are two methods to ask the view if it wants to become responder:

  • View.props.onStartShouldSetResponder: (evt) => true, - Does this view want to become responder on the start of a touch?
  • View.props.onMoveShouldSetResponder: (evt) => true, - Called for every touch move on the View when it is not the responder: does this view want to “claim” touch responsiveness?


  • View.props.onStartShouldSetResponder: (evt) => true,——当视图上发生触摸的时候,自身是否需要获取响应器?
  • View.props.onMoveShouldSetResponder: (evt) => true,——当视图不是响应器的时候,每次移动都调用该方法询问:该视图是否“需要”获取响应器?

If the View returns true and attempts to become the responder, one of the following will happen:

  • View.props.onResponderGrant: (evt) => {} - The View is now responding for touch events. This is the time to highlight and show the user what is happening
  • View.props.onResponderReject: (evt) => {} - Something else is the responder right now and will not release it


  • View.props.onResponderGrant: (evt) => {}——当前视图成功获取了响应器,可以开始处理触摸事件。在这个方法中可以回馈用户响应,并且向用户展示发生的情况。
  • View.props.onResponderReject: (evt) => {}——当前视图获取响应器失败,当前响应器的拥有者没有释放。

If the view is responding, the following handlers can be called:

  • View.props.onResponderMove: (evt) => {} - The user is moving their finger
  • View.props.onResponderRelease: (evt) => {} - Fired at the end of the touch, ie “touchUp”
  • View.props.onResponderTerminationRequest: (evt) => true - Something else wants to become responder. Should this view release the responder? Returning true allows release
  • View.props.onResponderTerminate: (evt) => {} - The responder has been taken from the View. Might be taken by other views after a call to onResponderTerminationRequest, or might be taken by the OS without asking (happens with control center/ notification center on iOS)


  • View.props.onResponderMove: (evt) => {}——手指移动操作;
  • View.props.onResponderRelease: (evt) => {}——停止触摸,即“touchUp”;
  • View.props.onResponderTerminationRequest: (evt) => true——其他组件请求获取响应器。当前组件如果可以释放响应器,可以返回真值;
  • View.props.onResponderTerminate: (evt) => {}——响应器已经从视图释放。可能是其他视图请求onResponderTerminationRequest,也可能是OS没有询问直接获取(比如iOS中的控制中心/消息中心)。

evt is a synthetic touch event with the following form:

  • nativeEvent
    • changedTouches - Array of all touch events that have changed since the last event
    • identifier - The ID of the touch
    • locationX - The X position of the touch, relative to the element
    • locationY - The Y position of the touch, relative to the element
    • pageX - The X position of the touch, relative to the root element
    • pageY - The Y position of the touch, relative to the root element
    • target - The node id of the element receiving the touch event
    • timestamp - A time identifier for the touch, useful for velocity calculation
    • touches - Array of all current touches on the screen


  • nativeEvent
    • changedTouches——从上次事件相应到现在发生变化的触摸事件;
    • identifier——触摸ID;
    • locationX——相对于触摸元素的X坐标;
    • locationY——相对于触摸元素的Y坐标;
    • pageX——相对于根元素的X坐标;
    • pageY——相对于根元素的Y坐标;
    • target——获得当前触摸事件的元素节点;
    • timestamp——触摸的事件标记,用于速度计算等;
    • touches——当前屏幕上的触摸点。

捕获事件处理(Capture ShouldSet Handlers)

onStartShouldSetResponder and onMoveShouldSetResponder are called with a bubbling pattern, where the deepest node is called first. That means that the deepest component will become responder when multiple Views return true for *ShouldSetResponder handlers. This is desirable in most cases, because it makes sure all controls and buttons are usable.


However, sometimes a parent will want to make sure that it becomes responder. This can be handled by using the capture phase. Before the responder system bubbles up from the deepest component, it will do a capture phase, firing on*ShouldSetResponderCapture. So if a parent View wants to prevent the child from becoming responder on a touch start, it should have a onStartShouldSetResponderCapture handler which returns true.


  • View.props.onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: (evt) => true,
  • View.props.onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: (evt) => true,


For higher-level gesture interpretation, check out PanResponder.
