
When building a cross-platform app, you’ll want to re-use as much code as possible. Scenarios may arise where it makes sense for the code to be different, for example you may want to implement separate visual components for iOS and Android.


React Native provides two ways to easily organize your code and separate it by platform:

React Native提供了两种区分平台的方式来简化代码的组织:

Certain components may have properties that work on one platform only. All of these props are annotated with @platform and have a small badge next to them on the website.


平台模块(Platform module)

React Native provides a module that detects the platform in which the app is running. You can use the detection logic to implement platform-specific code. Use this option when only small parts of a component are platform-specific.

React Native中提供了一个在应用程序运行过程中检测平台的模块,用来实现特定平台相关的代码逻辑。当模块中跨平台差异较小的时候可以使用这种方式。

import { Platform, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  height: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 200 : 100,

Platform.OS will be ios when running on iOS and android when running on Android.


There is also a Platform.select method available, that given an object containing Platform.OS as keys, returns the value for the platform you are currently running on.


import { Platform, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
      ios: {
        backgroundColor: 'red',
      android: {
        backgroundColor: 'blue',

This will result in a container having flex: 1 on both platforms, a red background color on iOS, and a blue background color on Android.

执行结果在所有的平台中都包含flex: 1,但在iOS中背景颜色是红色,在Android中背景颜色是蓝色。

Since it accepts any value, you can also use it to return platform specific component, like below:


const Component = Platform.select({
  ios: () => require('ComponentIOS'),
  android: () => require('ComponentAndroid'),

<Component />;

检测Android版本(Detecting the Android version)

On Android, the Platform module can also be used to detect the version of the Android Platform in which the app is running:


import { Platform } from 'react-native';

if (Platform.Version === 25) {
  console.log('Running on Nougat!');

检测iOS版本(Detecting the iOS version)

On iOS, the Version is a result of -[UIDevice systemVersion], which is a string with the current version of the operating system. An example of the system version is “10.3”. For example, to detect the major version number on iOS:

在iOS中,Version的结果是-[UIDevice systemVersion],是一个当前操作系统版本的字符串,比如“10.3”。如下所示用来获取当前iOS的主版本号:

import { Platform } from 'react-native';

const majorVersionIOS = parseInt(Platform.Version, 10);
if (majorVersionIOS <= 9) {
  console.log('Work around a change in behavior'); 

特定平台文件扩展名(Platform-specific extensions)

When your platform-specific code is more complex, you should consider splitting the code out into separate files. React Native will detect when a file has a .ios. or .android. extension and load the relevant platform file when required from other components.

当特定平台相关的代码比较复杂时,可以将代码拆分在不同的文件中。React Native可以在组件中根据平台来选择对应的.ios..android.扩展名的文件。

For example, say you have the following files in your project:



You can then require the component as follows:


const BigButton = require('./BigButton');

React Native will automatically pick up the right file based on the running platform.

React Native将基于当前运行的平台自动的选择正确的文件。