
In the basics guide, we built a simple todo application. It was fully synchronous. Every time an action was dispatched, the state was updated immediately.


In this guide, we will build a different, asynchronous application. It will use the Reddit API to show the current headlines for a selected subreddit. How does asynchronicity fit into Redux flow?

在这份指南中,会创建一个采用异步交互方式的应用程序。通过调用Reddit API获取当前订阅的头条信息。接下来讲解如何在Redux流程中使用异步处理?


When you call an asynchronous API, there are two crucial moments in time: the moment you start the call, and the moment when you receive an answer (or a timeout).


Each of these two moments usually require a change in the application state; to do that, you need to dispatch normal actions that will be processed by reducers synchronously. Usually, for any API request you’ll want to dispatch at least three different kinds of actions:

  • An action informing the reducers that the request began.

    The reducers may handle this action by toggling an isFetching flag in the state. This way the UI knows it’s time to show a spinner.

  • An action informing the reducers that the request finished successfully.

    The reducers may handle this action by merging the new data into the state they manage and resetting isFetching. The UI would hide the spinner, and display the fetched data.

  • An action informing the reducers that the request failed.

    The reducers may handle this action by resetting isFetching. Additionally, some reducers may want to store the error message so the UI can display it.


  • 一个Action用来通知Reducer请求已经开始。


  • 一个Action用来通知Reducer请求以成功结束。


  • 一个Action用来通知Reducer请求以失败结束。


You may use a dedicated status field in your actions:


{ type: 'FETCH_POSTS' }
{ type: 'FETCH_POSTS', status: 'error', error: 'Oops' }
{ type: 'FETCH_POSTS', status: 'success', response: { ... } }

Or you can define separate types for them:


{ type: 'FETCH_POSTS_FAILURE', error: 'Oops' }
{ type: 'FETCH_POSTS_SUCCESS', response: { ... } }

Choosing whether to use a single action type with flags, or multiple action types, is up to you. It’s a convention you need to decide with your team. Multiple types leave less room for a mistake, but this is not an issue if you generate action creators and reducers with a helper library like redux-actions.

选择哪种Action的形式取决于你,但在团队内部应该有一个统一的约定。使用多个类型在项目中可能会带来一些错误,但如果使用redux-actions之类的帮助库来生成Action Creator和Reducer可以在一定程度上避免这个问题。

Whatever convention you choose, stick with it throughout the application.
We’ll use separate types in this tutorial.


同步Action Creator(Synchronous Action Creators)

Let’s start by defining the several synchronous action types and action creators we need in our example app. Here, the user can select a subreddit to display:

首先定义几个同步Action类型和几个需要在示例代码中使用的相关Action Creator。下面的代码是,用户选择一个需要展示的订阅主题:



export function selectSubreddit(subreddit) {
  return {

They can also press a “refresh” button to update it:



export function invalidateSubreddit(subreddit) {
  return {

These were the actions governed by the user interaction. We will also have another kind of action, governed by the network requests. We will see how to dispatch them later, but for now, we just want to define them.


When it’s time to fetch the posts for some subreddit, we will dispatch a REQUEST_POSTS action:



function requestPosts(subreddit) {
  return {
    type: REQUEST_POSTS,

It is important for it to be separate from SELECT_SUBREDDIT or INVALIDATE_SUBREDDIT. While they may occur one after another, as the app grows more complex, you might want to fetch some data independently of the user action (for example, to prefetch the most popular subreddits, or to refresh stale data once in a while). You may also want to fetch in response to a route change, so it’s not wise to couple fetching to some particular UI event early on.


Finally, when the network request comes through, we will dispatch RECEIVE_POSTS:



function receivePosts(subreddit, json) {
  return {
    type: RECEIVE_POSTS,
    posts: json.data.children.map(child => child.data),
    receivedAt: Date.now()

This is all we need to know for now. The particular mechanism to dispatch these actions together with network requests will be discussed later.


备注请求错误的处理(Note on Error Handling)

In a real app, you’d also want to dispatch an action on request failure. We won’t implement error handling in this tutorial, but the real world example shows one of the possible approaches.

在应用的实际使用中,网络请求出错时需要派发一个Action来处理。本教程中不会实现错误的处理,可以参考real world example这个示例来进行错误的处理。

State结构设计(Designing the State Shape)

Just like in the basic tutorial, you’ll need to design the shape of your application’s state before rushing into the implementation. With asynchronous code, there is more state to take care of, so we need to think it through.


This part is often confusing to beginners, because it is not immediately clear what information describes the state of an asynchronous application, and how to organize it in a single tree.


We’ll start with the most common use case: lists. Web applications often show lists of things. For example, a list of posts, or a list of friends. You’ll need to figure out what sorts of lists your app can show. You want to store them separately in the state, because this way you can cache them and only fetch again if necessary.


Here’s what the state shape for our “Reddit headlines” app might look like:

“Reddit headlines”应用的State结构如下所示:

  selectedSubreddit: 'frontend',
  postsBySubreddit: {
    frontend: {
      isFetching: true,
      didInvalidate: false,
      items: []
    reactjs: {
      isFetching: false,
      didInvalidate: false,
      lastUpdated: 1439478405547,
      items: [
          id: 42,
          title: 'Confusion about Flux and Relay'
          id: 500,
          title: 'Creating a Simple Application Using React JS and Flux Architecture'

There are a few important bits here:

  • We store each subreddit’s information separately so we can cache every subreddit. When the user switches between them the second time, the update will be instant, and we won’t need to refetch unless we want to. Don’t worry about all these items being in memory: unless you’re dealing with tens of thousands of items, and your user rarely closes the tab, you won’t need any sort of cleanup.

  • For every list of items, you’ll want to store isFetching to show a spinner, didInvalidate so you can later toggle it when the data is stale, lastUpdated so you know when it was fetched the last time, and the items themselves. In a real app, you’ll also want to store pagination state like fetchedPageCount and nextPageUrl.


  • 每个订阅主题信息分别存储以便于独立缓存。当用户在不同主题直接切换的时候,用户可以马上看到更新,并不需要每次刷新数据,只在我们需要的时候刷新即可。不要担心所有的数据存储的内存占用问题:除非你需要处理上万条数据,并且你的目标用户不关闭当前页面,否则你不要关心内存的清理问题。

  • 对待每一个数据条目,需要分别存储加载指示器状态isFetching,数据状态didInvalidate,最新更新事件状态lastUpdated,和本身的数据items。在真实场景中,还需要存储分页相关状态fetchedPageCountnextPageUrl等。

备注实体的嵌套(Note on Nested Entities)

In this example, we store the received items together with the pagination information. However, this approach won’t work well if you have nested entities referencing each other, or if you let the user edit items. Imagine the user wants to edit a fetched post, but this post is duplicated in several places in the state tree. This would be really painful to implement.


If you have nested entities, or if you let users edit received entities, you should keep them separately in the state as if it was a database. In pagination information, you would only refer to them by their IDs. This lets you always keep them up to date. The real world example shows this approach, together with normalizr to normalize the nested API responses. With this approach, your state might look like this:

如果存在实体嵌套,或者需要用户编辑接收到的实体,那么应该保持状态的存储符合基本的数据库范式(编者按)。在分页中仅仅通过ID来关联。这样,数据将保持同步更新。在real world example示例中,通过normalizr将数据格式化。根据这个建议,状态的组织结构看起来如下所示:

  selectedSubreddit: 'frontend',
  entities: {
    users: {
      2: {
        id: 2,
        name: 'Andrew'
    posts: {
      42: {
        id: 42,
        title: 'Confusion about Flux and Relay',
        author: 2
      100: {
        id: 100,
        title: 'Creating a Simple Application Using React JS and Flux Architecture',
        author: 2
  postsBySubreddit: {
    frontend: {
      isFetching: true,
      didInvalidate: false,
      items: []
    reactjs: {
      isFetching: false,
      didInvalidate: false,
      lastUpdated: 1439478405547,
      items: [ 42, 100 ]

In this guide, we won’t normalize entities, but it’s something you should consider for a more dynamic application.


Action处理(Handling Actions)

Before going into the details of dispatching actions together with network requests, we will write the reducers for the actions we defined above.


备注Reducer的组合(Note on Reducer Composition)

Here, we assume that you understand reducer composition with combineReducers(), as described in the Splitting Reducers section on the basics guide. If you don’t, please read it first.



import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import {
} from '../actions'

function selectedSubreddit(state = 'reactjs', action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return action.subreddit
      return state

function posts(state = {
  isFetching: false,
  didInvalidate: false,
  items: []
}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        didInvalidate: true
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        isFetching: true,
        didInvalidate: false
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        isFetching: false,
        didInvalidate: false,
        items: action.posts,
        lastUpdated: action.receivedAt
      return state

function postsBySubreddit(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        [action.subreddit]: posts(state[action.subreddit], action)
      return state

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

export default rootReducer

In this code, there are two interesting parts:


  • We use ES6 computed property syntax so we can update state[action.subreddit] with Object.assign() in a concise way. This:


    return Object.assign({}, state, {
      [action.subreddit]: posts(state[action.subreddit], action)

    is equivalent to this:


    let nextState = {}
    nextState[action.subreddit] = posts(state[action.subreddit], action)
    return Object.assign({}, state, nextState)
  • We extracted posts(state, action) that manages the state of a specific post list. This is just reducer composition! It is our choice how to split the reducer into smaller reducers, and in this case, we’re delegating updating items inside an object to a posts reducer. The real world example goes even further, showing how to create a reducer factory for parameterized pagination reducers.

    抽象出posts(state, action)方法来管理指定的发布列表状态。这也是Reducer组合的一部分!可以根据我们的选择,将Reducer拆分为更小的Reducer,在这个例子中,将列表的更新委托给postsReducer。在real world example的代码中,使用了参数化Reducer工厂的方式。

Remember that reducers are just functions, so you can use functional composition and higher-order functions as much as you feel comfortable.


异步Action Creator(Async Action Creators)

Finally, how do we use the synchronous action creators we defined earlier together with network requests? The standard way to do it with Redux is to use the Redux Thunk middleware. It comes in a separate package called redux-thunk. We’ll explain how middleware works in general later; for now, there is just one important thing you need to know: by using this specific middleware, an action creator can return a function instead of an action object. This way, the action creator becomes a thunk.

但是最终,应该如何在网络请求中使用之前定义的同步版本的Action Creator呢?Redux中标准的做法是使用Redux Thunk中间件。这个中间件被拆分为一个单独的redux-thunk项目。后面的章节中我们会简介中间件的感念和使用;目前需要了解的重点是:通过使用这个中间件,Action Creator返回的是一个函数,而不是原来的Action对象。这样来看,Action Creator就变为了一个thunk(编者按:阮一峰老师的解释)。

When an action creator returns a function, that function will get executed by the Redux Thunk middleware. This function doesn’t need to be pure; it is thus allowed to have side effects, including executing asynchronous API calls. The function can also dispatch actions—like those synchronous actions we defined earlier.

Action Creator返回的函数,会在Redux Thunk中间件中执行。这个函数可以不是纯函数;可以执行一些具有副作用的操作,包括异步API的调用等。之前定义的同步Action可以在这个函数中派发。

We can still define these special thunk action creators inside our actions.js file:

特殊的Thunk Action Creator也可以定义在actions.js文件中:


import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

function requestPosts(subreddit) {
  return {
    type: REQUEST_POSTS,

function receivePosts(subreddit, json) {
  return {
    type: RECEIVE_POSTS,
    posts: json.data.children.map(child => child.data),
    receivedAt: Date.now()

// Meet our first thunk action creator!
// Though its insides are different, you would use it just like any other action creator:
// store.dispatch(fetchPosts('reactjs'))

export function fetchPosts(subreddit) {

  // Thunk middleware knows how to handle functions.
  // It passes the dispatch method as an argument to the function,
  // thus making it able to dispatch actions itself.

  return function (dispatch) {

    // First dispatch: the app state is updated to inform
    // that the API call is starting.


    // The function called by the thunk middleware can return a value,
    // that is passed on as the return value of the dispatch method.

    // In this case, we return a promise to wait for.
    // This is not required by thunk middleware, but it is convenient for us.

    return fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}.json`)
        response => response.json(),
        // Do not use catch, because that will also catch
        // any errors in the dispatch and resulting render,
        // causing an loop of 'Unexpected batch number' errors.
        // https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/6895
        error => console.log('An error occured.', error)
      .then(json =>

        // We can dispatch many times!
        // Here, we update the app state with the results of the API call.

        dispatch(receivePosts(subreddit, json))
备注fetch(Note on fetch

We use fetch API in the examples. It is a new API for making network requests that replaces XMLHttpRequest for most common needs. Because most browsers don’t yet support it natively, we suggest that you use isomorphic-fetch library:

上面的代码中使用了fetch API。用来替代XMLHttpRequest的使用。目前大多数浏览器还不原生支持,建议使用isomorphic-fetch库来替代:

// Do this in every file where you use `fetch`
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

Internally, it uses whatwg-fetch polyfill on the client, and node-fetch on the server, so you won’t need to change API calls if you change your app to be universal.

isomorphic-fetch内部,客户端会调用whatwg-fetch polyfill,服务器端则调用node-fetch,在通用应用中可以共用代码。

Be aware that any fetch polyfill assumes a Promise polyfill is already present. The easiest way to ensure you have a Promise polyfill is to enable Babel’s ES6 polyfill in your entry point before any other code runs:


// Do this once before any other code in your app
import 'babel-polyfill'

How do we include the Redux Thunk middleware in the dispatch mechanism? We use the applyMiddleware() store enhancer from Redux, as shown below:

如何将Redux Thunk中间件引入进来呢?可以在Redux中使用applyMiddleware()来增强Store对象,如下所示:


import thunkMiddleware from 'redux-thunk'
import { createLogger } from 'redux-logger'
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { selectSubreddit, fetchPosts } from './actions'
import rootReducer from './reducers'

const loggerMiddleware = createLogger()

const store = createStore(
    thunkMiddleware, // lets us dispatch() functions
    loggerMiddleware // neat middleware that logs actions

store.dispatch(fetchPosts('reactjs')).then(() =>

The nice thing about thunks is that they can dispatch results of each other:



import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

function requestPosts(subreddit) {
  return {
    type: REQUEST_POSTS,

function receivePosts(subreddit, json) {
  return {
    type: RECEIVE_POSTS,
    posts: json.data.children.map(child => child.data),
    receivedAt: Date.now()

function fetchPosts(subreddit) {
  return dispatch => {
    return fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}.json`)
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(json => dispatch(receivePosts(subreddit, json)))

function shouldFetchPosts(state, subreddit) {
  const posts = state.postsBySubreddit[subreddit]
  if (!posts) {
    return true
  } else if (posts.isFetching) {
    return false
  } else {
    return posts.didInvalidate

export function fetchPostsIfNeeded(subreddit) {

  // Note that the function also receives getState()
  // which lets you choose what to dispatch next.

  // This is useful for avoiding a network request if
  // a cached value is already available.

  return (dispatch, getState) => {
    if (shouldFetchPosts(getState(), subreddit)) {
      // Dispatch a thunk from thunk!
      return dispatch(fetchPosts(subreddit))
    } else {
      // Let the calling code know there's nothing to wait for.
      return Promise.resolve()

This lets us write more sophisticated async control flow gradually, while the consuming code can stay pretty much the same:



store.dispatch(fetchPostsIfNeeded('reactjs')).then(() =>
备注服务器端渲染(Note about Server Rendering)

Async action creators are especially convenient for server rendering. You can create a store, dispatch a single async action creator that dispatches other async action creators to fetch data for a whole section of your app, and only render after the Promise it returns, completes. Then your store will already be hydrated with the state you need before rendering.

异步Action Creator也便于在服务器端渲染。创建一个Store单例,派发一个简单的异步Action Creator来获取应用需要的数据,完全返回数据后进行渲染输出即可。然后将服务器端的Store合并到客户端Store中。

Thunk middleware isn’t the only way to orchestrate asynchronous actions in Redux:

It is up to you to try a few options, choose a convention you like, and follow it, whether with, or without the middleware.



和UI连接(Connecting to UI)

Dispatching async actions is no different from dispatching synchronous actions, so we won’t discuss this in detail. See Usage with React for an introduction into using Redux from React components. See Example: Reddit API for the complete source code discussed in this example.

派发异步Action和同步Action没有任何区别,在这里不再进行讨论。可以从和React一起使用中学习如何在React组件中使用Redux。查看示例:Reddit API的全部源码。

下一步(Next Steps)

Read Async Flow to recap how async actions fit into the Redux flow.
